Goodbye, 2017. Hello, 2018. + FREEBIES

Sunday, 31 December 2017

2017 is coming to a close. How quick has this year gone?! I know, I know, everybody says the same thing every single year, but this year seemingly went in a blink of an eye! So, hows your year been? Please let me know. I hope it was good for you! 

This year was a good year for me. It's treated me well I think which is a total blessing. I've had some cool experiences from working with Firmoo Optical Store and Cover-Up Cases, as well as experiencing new places, meeting new people, and figuring out my life just a tiny bit more.

So the whole 'figuring out life' part is true. I figured out this year what I love, what I want to do, what passions of mine are going to stick with me, and where I am in my Faith. Figuring out what you want to do in life never ends I don't think. But, 2017 opened a new door for me and I'm thankful that the Lord has shown me what direction to go in. Always follow your dreams, and do what makes you happy. If you keep working on your dreams, soon they'll be real, and you won't only be living your dreams in your sleep.

Every year we as human beings like to make our annual 'New Year's Resolutions', and every year most people give up on January 2nd. Hats off to those who keep and complete their resolutions, and those who complete some. In my near 20 years of life, I think the only resolution I've completed is to continue playing the guitar. Well, nearly 6 years later here I am, still playing the guitar. So, here are my resolutions for this year.

1 - The annual "I want to lose weight" goal. But, seriously, 2018 is the year I want to fully commit myself to exercise, and a healthier lifestyle. Not because I want to be a certain weight or jean size, but to just be healthy, and to feel happier, and to improve my health overall. I've always struggled with my weight growing up, and after being diagnosed with PCOS this year, it finally made sense as to why I always struggled with weight. So, next year I am determined to exercise daily, maybe start some classes to figure out what I like, and overall enjoy being active.

2 - Grow in my relationship with the Lord even more. I'm so excited about this one. I was always raised as Christian but committed myself to being a Christian and the Lord when I was 14/15. Next year I'm going to attend a new Church I have found and really like, as well as read my Bible more, and really grow in faith. I want to Pray more because I always fall asleep (sorry, God), journal about what I read and Pray, and just grow in Scripture. 

3 - Take more photos. So, part of figuring out my life included figuring out that photography is really where my heart lies, and what I would be content with doing every day. I've made a goal for 2018 to take a photograph every single day. I want to take my camera with me everywhere and just take photos. You never know what you'll find that will make the perfect photo! I would also like to do my client based work, and work on my portraiture photography. 

4 - Blog. YouTube. Vlog. 2018 is going to be the year that I fully commit to my creative mind and create what I want to create. I cannot wait to blog on a weekly basis. I'm so excited to share blog posts with y'all. I'm so excited to create YouTube videos that I'm proud of and love, too. It's so easy when you're a YouTube content creator to get sucked into what's 'In', and 'popular' and that moment. But, quite honestly, slime, diy's and skits just aren't me. Being creative is, and I want to showcase that more without stressing over views and sub counts. I also want to vlog more! This year I did 'Vlogmas' on my vlogging channel, and I loved it. I'm so excited to do that more.

So they're my resolutions for this year! I know, there aren't many, but less is more, and I can concentrate on these with my whole heart. I'm really interested in knowing what y'alls resolutions are for 2018. If you have any be sure to leave a comment telling me what they are. I'd love to know!

Also, if you like this posts cover image, for one, thank you! I love this quote, and I have seen it floating around for a while, so I decided to turn it into both a phone and computer wallpaper that you guys can download for FREE! Who doesn't love free stuff? If you guys download these images, thank you! Please make sure to give credit by tagging me at @ aspoonfulofhope.  It's so important to support fellow content creators and creatives.

How To Download:
iPhone Download:
Macbook 13" Download: 
Macbook 15" Download:
Instagram Post Download:

I hope you guys have such a fun and blessed 2018. No year is perfect for anybody, but I hope this new year treats you kindly, and that you are successful in all of your dreams. Never give up! You can do this. You are so loved. See you in 2018. Oh my gosh you haven't showered in a year? Gross.


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