New Years Resolutions for 2015

Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Happy New Years Eve everybody. Where has this year gone, eh? This year for me has been full of good and bad things. I have messed up, succeed, and learnt a heck of a lot. I lost friends, and I made new ones, and I'm glad to call them my best friends. I've laughed, I've cried. I've laughed so much that I've cried. I've felt every single emotion and I've come to terms now that feeling a certain way is OK, and you shouldn't push it back. I've done new things, I set goals and I achieved them. Not all of course, but I tried and I did my best,

This year overall has been a roller coaster for me if I am completely honest. My up's and my down's have been pretty much equal but I'm now learning that it's okay, and I know how to deal with the down moments now. Sometimes it's not easy, but you have to remember all of the good things that have happened. I am gifted with so many amazing people, things, experiences, adventures that I have to remember how blessed I am. When I look back on all the many blessings I have in my life I have no choice but to smile. Yeah, I mean sometimes life can be pretty crap, but these things are only temporary. 

I want you to know that if this year hasn't been so great for you and you've had more down's than up's that's okay. In my opinion everything happens for a reason, and even though you may have cried you have every reason to smile. Don't say to yourself that this year has been a bad year because even though you've had bad days remember that you're living. You are breathing. You are exploring and seeing new things every day even if you don't realise you're doing so. Be grateful for this year because I mean, you're not going to get it back! 

2015 is going to be a good and a bad year for everyone. We all are going to experience some good emotions, and we are all going to experience some bad emotions. That's completely fine. Remember to make 2015 a really good year for yourself. Experience the scary things you would never do before. This year I went on my very first roller coaster. It sounds lame but I was completely terrified, but after I did it, I couldn't stop going on them! Do the impossible, but don't if it's too unsafe. Be courageous and brave. We are all so very brave even if we don't see it in ourselves.

This year I have set some realistic goals that I know I will do and hopefully stick to. If you couldn't read them in the photo, don't worry. They're here now.

1 - Read 2 books a week - Books feed the brain and imagination!
2 - To be more organised - Organised life = happy life!
3 - Spend more time studying - feed that brain!!
4 - Make more to do lists! - because you love them.
5 - Organise my YouTube channel (including blog) -
6 - Make better quality videos! - oooo HD!!
7 - Give my body the healthy stuff! - Happy body. Happy heart. Happy mind.
8 - Play my guitar more! 

These are my resolutions for this year, and I am extremely happy. I do and make sure some of these things happen anyway, but sometimes I can get lazy and slack so I am determined to stop slacking and get to it! 

I wrote this blog post not only to talk about my 2015 new resolutions, but to talk to you, my friends, you are the reason I am still blogging. It's nice to know that someone out there likes the content I make. I wrote this blog post to not only remind myself that I've told the public my resolutions so I have to stick to them, but I also wrote it to wish you a Happy New Year. Each and every single one of you are extremely important. Not only to me, but to your families, friends, cats, dogs, fish whoever! I hope you have such a good start to the new year. I love you guys. 

Have fun tonight.


  1. Lovely post Hope ^.^ I hope you have an amazing year! I'm with you on resolution 1, 2, 3 and 4!

    niamh /

    x x

    1. Thank you! I hope you have a great year :)!

  2. Great end of year post, we have a lot of resolutions in common - particularly the feed the brain ones! Hope 2015 is the best year yet :) xx

    A Fashion Tale // UK Fashion & Lifestyle Blog

  3. Wonderful post! I need to work on being more organized, too. That would definitely help with blogging! Happy New Year! I hope you have a great 2015! :)

  4. Love your blog!
    xo, Gizem


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