A Little Life Update: Self Confidence, Blog Re-Theme & I've Finished School?

Sunday, 15 June 2014

No, unfortunately today there is no photo, there is no beauty products, no fashion items or hauls. Just me. Just a little life update to tell you what's happening with aspoonfulofhope and my life in general. So, where do I begin? It wasn't too long ago where I was telling you about how I was having a break from my blog and YouTube so I could concentrate on school and my exams.

It's now the time where I can say I have finished school. Well, not until Tuesday. Tuesday I have my final GCSE exam ever and that is my Maths. Shivers. After that exam I will then be finally finished with school until I start 6th Form. In sixth form I am going to be studying four subjects plus Welsh Baccalaureate. That is a bucket full of things to do. (Please send help). In sixth form I will be studying English Literature, Law, Media Studies and Sociology. As you can probably tell they are a lot of written subjects which will take a lot of work. I am super excited though.

I am so excited that I have finished school now as I can now concentrate more on blogging and my YouTube. I have missed blogging and YouTubing so much, so I am so glad to be back. Really I am. I also want to say how grateful I am that you have stuck around with me and haven't left whilst I have been gone from this 'mini-break'. It really has meant so much and you guys are just so sweet.

Now, what do I have planned for my YouTube and Blog? YouTube I have A LOT of things planned out. My blog whatsoever, hardly anything. Lately I have been so stuck on ideas for my blog and for what I can write about. I do have one thing in mind. Fashion posts. I am finally going to be incorporating fashion posts into my blog as it has always been something I have wanted to do. The reason that I have not posted any fashion posts is due to my self-confidence. I have always had self-confidence issues which made me feel really uncomfortable about the way I look which resulted in me not posting any images of myself in a LookBook style.

I have never been entirely happy with the way I look, or the size of my body or the way my body looks. I never wanted to post these fashion posts due to this confidence issue I had. Yes, I am still not 100% happy with the way I look, or the size I am. I am trying to lose weight not just to be thin, but I am doing it so I can have a healthier lifestyle that will not only make me feel good on the outside, but on the inside too. I don't want to be thin and still have terrible thoughts about my body on the inside. I want to be happy & healthy on the inside and out.

Recently my self-confidence has gotten much better, but I still have my days where I feel dreadful, I mean we all have those days, right? I have now decided to think stuff this, I should love myself the way I am and how I look. Yes, I want to lose weight but that is not stopping me from doing something that I want to do. In this case, fashion posts. Fashion is a huge part of my lifestyle and I love to spend time online shopping (addiction) and sharing my style sense with you guys.

Now, I am not looking for self pitty and reassurance from you, what I am trying to say is that if you have self-confidence issues that I have and still have. Just try to love yourself for who you are, because at the end of the day we are not perfect and never will be. So why try to be someone else when you are perfectly fine being your original self? Look in the mirror and tell yourself you are beautiful because that really does help. Honestly. Even if you have gone over a day from washing your hair, and you have no make up on so your spot shows that you hate and you are wearing sweat pants and a hoodie. Tell yourself that you are beautiful because self appreciation and self love is so important. When your confidence shines through, people will notice and it will make your whole day a lot brighter.

Apart from my fashion posts that I shall start doing I will start doing more reviews, just random little posts like this one and if you guys have any other requests please leave them in the comments section below because you will be definitely be helping a gal out. (Majorly).

I have also been thinking about a new schedule so I can become more organised between juggling my YouTube Videos and my blog posts. So this is what I'm thinking....

My YouTube videos have a schedule for every Monday & Friday. I think this is good as it gives enough space between videos and also after Friday you don't have to wait that long for a new video. Woop!

My Blog posts have a schedule of every Wednesday & Saturday. As you can probably tell my YouTube videos and posts have a good space apart but are still quite close together. But I'm not throwing everything at you at once.

If you like this schedule leave a comment down below, but if you suggest another schedule don't be afraid to leave a comment too!

I am also going to be doing some work on the look and feel of my blog. As I cannot afford to have my own blog design, I am going to be revamping it up. I am not really happy with the look of my blog at the moment, so I shall be making up some new designs to try and make myself nearly 100% happy with my blog.

I think that is around everything for today in my update. I am so happy that school is over now, but quite sad because I won't be seeing some of my fabulous friends everyday now, which is really scary. Speaking of scary I am beginning to grow up now and become an adult and I am not an independent woman. Well I am but I don't like the idea of having to get a job and such. Eeek!

I am so excited to spend more time on my YouTube videos and Blog posts now. Oooo! Also, I will be getting the Canon 700d hopefully sometime in August, maybe July if I am extremely lucky as I want to produce better videos and it will be handy dandy for sixth form in my media studies course.

I hope you have such a wonderful day and I shall speak to you very very soon.

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