I told you that I would be back with a book haul, and here I am with a book haul! If you didn't know already I went to the Hay On Wye book festival yesterday to meet the one and only Cassandra Clare. If you haven't read the post and would like to click here. I had such an amazing time yesterday with my family and my friend Zoe as we are huge book nerds. Honestly it was like book heaven!!
Also in my post I mentioned that myself, my friend Zoe and my parents went to the Oxfam stall where pre- owned books are sold. Apart from The Shadowhunters Codex I bought five books, in great condition, for only £8!! That is usually the price of just one book! Crazzzzzy.

I thought it would be fun to show you everything that Cassandra Clare signed for me. How brilliantly odd is her signature. Looks exactly the same everytime! I still cannot fathom that I met Cassandra Clare yesterday afternoon, oh my goodness. Yesterday was the first time I have ever met an author and went to a book signing!
From Oxfam I purchased two books that are apart of the Wicked Lovely series written by Melissa Marr. I managed to find the second and fifth book in great condition. I just need to get the rest now. My friends have all read this series and they said how good the series is. I am very excited to read this series and see what they are like for myself. Also, how amazing are these book covers?!
Ink Exchange Analysis here.
Darkest Mercy Analysis here.
I also bought these books mainly because of the covers, but the storylines sound so, so good! Honestly though, I am totally in love with the covers of these books. I have never heard of Charlotte Mendelson, or Holly Chamberlin, but it looks like I will be a huge fan of them in the near future!
The Summer Of Us Analysis here
When We Were Bad Analysis here
The last book I purchased sounds A-MA-ZING. The Looking Glass Wars is a different tale of Alice In Wonderland. As soon as I picked this book up I was instantly intrigued and eager to read it. The story line sounds very interesting and I am excited to see what type of adventure in Wonderland I am going to embark on.
The Looking Glass Wars Analysis here
I hope you enjoyed this post, it was a bit quick and to the point, but I hope you don't mind. If you have any suggestions for what you would like to see, please leave a comment below as I am a bit in a blogging slump and do not know what to post about next.
Enjoy your day!
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