A Few Favourites | Milk & Honey + #GIRLBOSS

Tuesday, 16 August 2016

All over social, media I have been seeing these books being talked about and loved. Now I'm not a person who likes to follow every trend, but, as someone who loves to read, and is trying to widen my horizons from YA fiction I thought that I would give these books a go. Let me tell you that this was the best. decision. ever. 

Starting off with 'Milk & Honey' by Rupi Kaur. This is probably one of the best books I've read ever, along with #GIRLBOSS, but back to Milk & Honey. The way Rupi Kaur write is both captivating and beautiful. It's heartfelt, emotional, and there are pieces within the book that will tug a certain heartstring with you. 

Rupi Kaur takes you through an emotional journey of heartbreak, pain, healing, and love. It's a book that will make you want to read it a million times over, and is a definite coffee table book. Sounds cliche I know, but it really is.

There are two pieces from this book that I find both beautiful, inspirational and those which I will turn back to. 

"You tell me to quiet down 'cause my opinions make me less beautiful, but I was not made with a fire in my belly so I could be put out. I was not made with a lightness on my tongue so I could be easy to swallow. I was made heavy. Half blade, and half silk. Difficult to forget and not easy for the mind to follow" - Page 30

I know that this specific quote from Milk & Honey struck a chord with many of those who have read this book. So many times in life people will try to shut you up, put you down, and tell you that you're not smart, or good enough. But you are. The fire in your belly is not meant to be turned into ash. It is meant to grow, engulf in flames, and share it with to the world.
"You must enter a relationship with yourself before anyone else" - Page 150

Now as someone who's never been in a relationship, I seem to give a lot of relationship advice. Now, whether my advice works, and if it's good or bad that's another thing. What I do know though is that before you enter a relationship, just like the quote says, you should completely be in a relationship with yourself. 

You should love yourself, albeit we don't always. You should put your needs in front of others sometimes, but never be selfish. You should know how to love others, but not allow yourself to take them for granted. Most of all you shouldn't want a relationship for the sake of it, and so that person can put your pieces together. In a relationship, it takes work, commitment, and a lot of love & trust. You help each other, love, support each other, and try to better each other in all ways possible.

Now, #GIRLBOSS. Written by the founder and CEO of 'Nasty Gal' Sophia Amoruso, this is a book that will inspire you to work hard, never settle, and kick butt. This book is filled with inspiring words, honesty, advice and amazing sketches. 

The book surrounds Sophia's story on her journey to success with her store Nasty Gal, and the trials and success' she faced along the way. As soon as you open the book you know it's going to be one that really changes your mindset, and gets you motivated to turn your dreams into a reality.

I'm over half way away from finishing this incredible book now, and it won't be one that will just sit on my shelf for the rest of my life. I know that this will be one I will read probably once a month. I'm not kidding either. Sophia is also releasing a new book this year and I am so excited about it. I know that it's going to be another incredible read, and I hope Sophia continues to write kick butt books. 

Have you read either of these books? If you have what did you think of them? Let me know in the comments below, I would love to know your thoughts!
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