Pinterest Wednesday is back! I have missed doing these posts, and I did forget about them for awhile, but now they are back, and I am so glad. Instead of babbling on, I am just going to get into it.
1) I have had this photo on my Pinterest for a while now. I am absolutely love this photo for some reason and I am not too sure why. When I have a partner one thing I would love to do is to spend days like this. Whether it is snowing, or boiling hot (minus blanket), I would like to spend times like this, just together in a blanket, looking at the sky and just being together. The way they are both looking at each other is just adorable, and you can tell that they really love each other. Soppy-ness overload I'm sorry!
2) Books, books, books! I love books! I just love this photo for the effect and 'filter' it has on it. It looks very old school and vintage. Like it is from a disposable camera. Also, they have some great books there! Also, the dress there is very pretty too!
3) Mr. Walt Disney. An incredible legend, who really did make dreams come true. I think we all love Disney right? So there's not much comment needed here.
5) This has a deep meaning for me. Kindness is ALWAYS free, and sometimes lots of people forget that. One thing that I personally love about myself is my kindness. I never forget to be kind to someone, because at the end of the day, you never know what someone is going through. They could be the bubbliest person and they could be going through something really horrible. Being kind isn't hard, it's the easiest thing to do, but some people lack this and are just rude. So to those people you and I should say, forget them! Always treat people kindly, kindness will treat you with kindness back.
6) I love this quote so much. When I have self doubt, or I am not happy, or I just want to stay in bed one day I always remember and say to myself 'look how far I've come', 'look at what I've acomplished', 'look at how I helped that person today'. I always try to tell myself and I try to remember all the things that I have done that have made myself, and other people happy. Sometimes this can be really bloody hard to do, and sometimes I will stay in bed that day, or I might not tell myself that one day, because I don't want to hear it. But, you just have to TRY. No matter how hard it is, no matter what you are going through, try to tell yourself what you have done to be a good person. It really helps.
I absolutely love finding various, unique and pretty designs on Pinterest that I can use as phone wallpapers, or just to print out and put in frames. I think that Pinterest is the best place to go to find designs and graphics. These two photos have been my favourite designs this month as the first one has so many of my favourite colours, and it is just so cute. The second I also love as I love the moon and the stars. The crescent moon looks as if it is filled with stars and I absolutely love that! I have also saved it to my computer so I can use it as a wallpaper. Sad, I know.
I also love finding different 'roomspiration' photos, so I have multiple ideas on how to decorate and redecorate my rooms. It's an obsession. I have just been loving these photo walls at the minute, and I am trying to figure out how I could incorporate a photo wall into my room and where I would put it.
I find this absolutely hilarious as it is so true! If you didn't already know, I'm a LDS (Mormon) and go to church every Sunday. In fact, this situation did happen to me Saturday, but I was up until 2am as I was just wide awake. I knew I had church that day, but I couldn't get to sleep.
I can honestly tell you that I thought I was going to fall asleep in Sacrament meeting Sunday afternoon. Oh, yes, if you didn't know church is 10am-1pm, but we always stay till 2pm to talk to everyone. It was extremely hard this week.
I hope you enjoyed this post, and if you did and would like to see more of my Pinterest photos you can follow me on Pinterest at this link here. I hope you have a lovely day!