Exam & Revision Season 2014
Thursday, 17 April 2014 • Personal
If you are my age and are currently in year 10, or 11 we all know that it's that time of year again. Yes, that's right... revision and exam season. I am coming towards the end of my last year of comprehensive school, if you're wondering, I finish on the 17th of June, which is so very exciting, but before the calm, peaceful, not doing anything for 10 weeks begin, I have A LOT of work to do.
With 8 GCSE exams to revise for and basically drill information into my brain, I hardly have any time to blog, film, or just generally have any time to myself. So yes, that does mean that I will not be blogging as regularly as I would like to, but as we know, school, and coming out with good grades are 100% more important than blogging/filming and social media-ring. Sad I know, but true.
If you are currently off on Easter break, you will relate to me when I say that this 'break' is not a break at all. It is a time to still continue with our studies, so we can all get fabulous grades and get a job in the near future. Oh, and attend university.
The relationship between revision and I is that, and I think you can all agree with me is I get distracted. I get so easily distracted whilst revising that I end up a) doing what I'm doing right now - blogging, b) searching social media sites, or c) staring at a blank wall because that is 100x more entertaining than learning the different types of algebra equations. The reality is though that we all just have to get on and do it. 'With hard work comes great reward'. I know that it's hard, and you may feel like you're getting no where, but continue on and you shall receive positive grades.
Tips & Tricks I find that really help me during revision are to:
a) T-U-R-N-O-F-F all electrical items you have, unless they are needed for revision of course. Turn off all of the gadgets you may have such as you phone, your iPad, your iPod. Everything that may distract you whilst revision. If that doesn't work and you end up turning your electrical back on, ask you mum/dad/sibling to take them off you and hide them from you until your revision session is over.
b) If you find it helps, turn on some RELAXING & CALM music. Don't put anything loud and/or irritating music that may cause you to turn your revision session into an hours worth of crazy dancing. Having calm and relaxing music may help you to learn things better and make time go quicker. In my opinion, music does not help me at all. I cannot concentrate whilst it's on.
c) Whilst revising don't do an hours straight worth of revision. Take around 2 breaks, around 5-10 minutes long where you can go and grab a snack or a drink. Don't go on your phone/tablet/ipod again as it will just suck you in and cause you to have, instead of a 5 minute break... a 30 minute break.
If you would like to see what resources I like to use when revising, just leave a comment down below. I wish you all the best of luck if you are sitting GCSE exams this year. We can do this! (Flexing arm muscle emoji).
P.S - Thank you all for the 60 followers! I know I need to post more, and I'm not the best blogger, but thank you for sticking around and for the support!
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